Emily, a 2012 Bethany graduate, is a 5-6th grade teacher at Immanuel Lutheran School in Courtland, Minnesota.

WHAT YOU DO • • • I teach 5-6th grade, all core subjects except math, and 7-8th grade science and social studies, plus hand bells and religion (and a little Spanish vocab). I am one of the directors of our school’s Christmas program and the Spring Musical/Talent Show. My favorite parts of my job: taking my students on field trips, setting up guest speakers for my classroom, and inspiring students to be lifelong readers (my classroom library is ginormous!). Recently, I’ve enjoyed hosting a few Bethany student-teachers for their clinicals!
WHAT INSPIRES YOU • • • I’ve always been good at explaining things, plus I love to learn and share the things I’ve learned, so teaching is really the perfect field for me. Plus, I LOVE books.
HOW YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE • • • My current plan is to keep teaching 5-6th grade, pushing my students to be the best they can be and learn as much as they can in their lives, whether they’re in my classroom or not. Eventually (once I have kids of my own) I’d like to be a stay-at-home mom and live on a working farm.
HOW BETHANY HAS PREPARED YOU • • • The professors, especially Dr. Browne, taught me so much, not just about teaching. My biggest takeaway is that there’s more to teaching and school besides grades; sometimes the process is more valuable than the end product. Another surprising way Bethany influenced me is my love of traveling; I got started by going on band and choir tours and I haven’t stopped visiting new places since!
WHAT YOU REMEMBER MOST ABOUT BETHANY • • • So many good memories, it’s hard to pick just one! Eating in the caf, believe it or not, comes to mind, along with walking through the Green in the springtime when the flowers are starting to bloom. Anderson Hall and dorm life was a blast! I lived in Anderson all four years since I was an RA for two.
ADVICE FOR CURRENT STUDENTS • • • Soak up as much as you can – academically, socially, and spiritually. Try to appreciate where God has you now and don’t focus/worry so much on where you’ll be years down the road. He’s got it under control! 🙂