Work Information:
Band Director, King of Grace Lutheran School, Golden Valley, Minnesota Contracted Singer, Minnesota Chorale, Minneapolis, Minnesota Rock Band (Voice and Keys) Instructor, Shell Lake Arts Center, Shell Lake, Wisconsin
What you do or have done:
At King of Grace, I teach instrumental lessons/Concert Band to students of various instruments. This includes, selecting individual material for each student according to their instrument and level of playing. I have been a member of the Minnesota Chorale under the direction of Dr. Kathy Saltzman Romey since 2019. Through the Minnesota

Chorale, I have performed regularly with the Minnesota Orchestra as part of their symphonic chorus. In 2022 I had the opportunity to sing in Minnesota Orchestra’s Mahler Recording Project under the direction of Osmo Vänskä. We recorded both Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 and No. 3. Aside from the Minnesota Chorale, I have performed with other groups in Minneapolis including From Age to Age and The Gilbert and Sullivan Very Light Opera Company.
What inspires you?
I think most musicians can agree that music not only speaks what words cannot, but also ties people of all backgrounds together to create something breathtaking. All of the blessings that the art of musicianship brings us are gifts from God himself. God is the ultimate musician, and I take all my inspiration from him. How do you want to make a difference? My professional and personal mission is to bring the phrase “Soli Deo Gloria” everywhere I go. Let everything I do be for the glory of God. In my teaching at King of Grace, I want to inspire my students to love music just as I was inspired to love music as a learning musician. Seeing young students with the determination and growing appreciation for their craft is absolutely beautiful to see. It inspires me everyday to be the best I can be for them with God’s help.
How has Bethany prepared you?
My time at Bethany often comes up in my thoughts as I live through day to day life. In my vocal rehearsals and while teaching, I have direct quotes from professors ringing through my mind of technique, pedagogy, artistry and so on. The professors of my Bethany instruction have moulded and shaped a great portion of my musical disciplines and is a representation of the quality of instruction at Bethany that I try to share wherever I go.
What do you remember most about Bethany?
My love for Bethany started long before I was ever a student and will last long after. Some of my most cherished Bethany memories take place in the Sigurd Lee Theater performing in Choraliers and Theater Physics. Choraliers especially brought talent of all kind from every nook and cranny of the student body. That’s the thing about Bethany that nowhere else can quite replicate: coming together not only to create something breathtaking, but to do it for the glory of the Lord with such passion and love for each other.
What is your advice for current Bethany students?
My advice to current Bethany students is to soak it all in. In the moment, time can seem so fast working towards the next big thing. Slow down and soak in the blessings of this community. Try something new, invite others to join you and above all, thank God for your time spent with each other creating!