Prof. Dennis W. Marzolf is an Adjunct Faculty in the Music department.
- Bachelor of Music, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota
- Master of Music, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota
- Master of Divinity, Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Marzolf has been a faculty member at Bethany since the fall of 1984, and is chair of the music department. He directs the Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Bethany Choraliers, Handbell Choir and teaches courses in hymnody and liturgics, and choral conducting. He has been chapel organist, directed the Mary Martha Singers, and taught music history, music skills, voice lessons, and various topics courses in the music department. He has been an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) since October 1985 and has served on the worship committee of the ELS for many years. In 1996, the committee produced the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary which was published by MorningStar Music. Marzolf has served as a high school choral clinician and adjudicator, and has been a director at Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Choralfests and a high school honors choir at the WELS triennial National Conference on Worship, Music, and the Arts. For fifteen years he conducted the Minnesota Valley Chorale, a regional, auditioned ensemble in Mankato. He has served as church organist a volunteer director of the choirs at Mt. Olive Lutheran School (Children’s Choir, Boys’ Choir) for a number of years and recently started a high school choir at the same congregation. Marzolf is the founding director of the annual ELS Summer Honor Choir at Bethany and has directed that group since June 1986.Dennis Marzolf has recently taught the following courses: