Bethany’s music major includes private study, ensemble participation, music theory, music skills (sight singing, ear training), and music history.
As a music student at Bethany you will enjoy fine facilities for instruction and practice. You will also have the opportunity to join with other students who love to sing and play. Our performance groups aim for polished presentations while providing everyone with the opportunity for refreshment in both rehearsals and performances. Most importantly, Bethany’s music major is built on a strong Christian foundation and understanding of music’s spiritual purpose and strength.
Potential careers in music include: church musician; composer; conductor; music arranger, educator, librarian, or manager; performer; publisher; musical theatre performer; and sound designer.
Music Performance Opportunities
There are numerous choral and instrumental music groups at Bethany. Academic credit is available for participation in many groups to help music students fulfill the major requirements. Private lessons are also available.Music Facilities
Bethany has great spaces for making music! Here are a few:Student Stories

Natalie Wishcop ’19
Work Information: Band Director, King of Grace Lutheran School, Golden Valley, Minnesota Contracted Singer, Minnesota Chorale, Minneapolis, Minnesota Rock Band

Kaleb ’24 and Tamara Schmidt ’23
Work Information: Tamara is employed as a K-8 music teacher, band, and choir director at Central Lutheran School in Fort

Kayelynn Lawson ’22
Work Information Orchestra and Federation Grade School String Instructor at Shoreland Lutheran High School In Somers, Wisconsin. What you do

Cynthia Krause ’19
Work Information: Professional Musician Twin Cities, MN Self-employed Continuing Education: Upon graduating from Bethany, I took two gap years to

Beret Finken ’18
What you do or have done: My full-time job is, first and foremost, motherhood. I stay home with my two

Nick Wayne (’02)
Nick, a 2002 Bethany graduate, is a full-time music director for the department of theatre and dance at Minnesota State
Entry into the Major
Students should apply for admission into the degree program at the end of their third semester. Acceptance into the music degree programs requires a minimum 2.8 GPA in the music coursework of the first two years, and three semesters of ensemble and applied music.
Core Requirements
Required General Education Courses for Music:
- MUSC111 Music Theory I 3 cr.
- MUSC221 Music History I: Middle Ages & Renaissance 3 cr.
- MUSC235 Hymnody and Liturgics/RELG235 Hymnody and Liturgics 3 cr.
- MUSC440 World Music 3 cr.
Required Courses:
- MUSC112 Music Theory II 3 cr.
- MUSC114 Music Skills I 3 cr.
- MUSC115 Music Skills II 3 cr.
- MUSC222 Music History II: Baroque & Classical Eras 3 cr.
- MUSC211 Music Theory III 3 cr.
- MUSC212 Music Theory IV 3 cr.
- MUSC214 Music Skills III 2 cr.
- MUSC215 Music Skills IV 2 cr.
- MUSC321 Music History III: Romantic & Modern Eras 3 cr.
Private Music Lessons (MUSC190 Instruction I/290/390/490) 7 cr.
Minimum of three credits of ensemble music (MUSC130 Concert Choir MUSC135 Concert Band) 3 cr.
Choose nine credits of the following:
- MUSC161 Introduction to Conducting 1 cr.
- MUSC303 Music Communication and Technology 3 cr.
- MUSC307 Survey of Organ History and Literature 2 cr.
- MUSC309 Service Playing and Repertoire 2 cr.
- MUSC335 Music Theatre 3 cr.
- MUSC435 Opera and Lyric Theatre 3 cr.
- MUSC361 Choral Conducting 3 cr.
- MUSC362 Instrumental Conducting 3 cr.
- MUSC374 Piano Pedagogy and Literature 3 cr.
- MUSC375 Vocal Pedagogy and Literature 3 cr.
- MUSC376 Instrumental Pedagogy 3 cr.
- MUSC480 Topics in Music 3 cr.
- MUSC489 International Study Tour 3 cr.
Students must take one of the following:
- MUSC475 Recital (1 cr.) and MUSC490 Instruction IV (2 cr.) 3 cr.
- MUSC495 Senior Seminar Music 3 cr.
- MUSC499 Music Internship 3 cr.
Area of Emphasis
Students who major in music may choose courses that form an emphasis to guide and shape their course of study: Church Music, Conducting, or Performance (piano, voice, and instrument).
Church Music
Students will demonstrate an appreciation of the unique musical heritage of the Lutheran Church, and development of a sense of responsibility towards the further cultivation of that heritage through ongoing study, composition and performance.
- MUSC161 Introduction to Conducting 1 cr.
- MUSC235 Hymnody and Liturgics 3 cr.
- MUSC261 3 cr.
- MUSC307 Survey of Organ History and Literature 2 cr.
- MUSC309 Service Playing and Repertoire 2 cr.
- MUSC361 Choral Conducting 3 cr.
Two credits of applied music in a secondary medium
Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate musical direction through the gestures and manners of the accepted conducting techniques. They will also exhibit a technical grasp of the various challenges unique to choral and instrumental conducting.
- MUSC161 Introduction to Conducting 1 cr.
- MUSC235 Hymnody and Liturgics 3 cr.
- MUSC361 Choral Conducting 3 cr.
Two credits of applied music conducting (MUSC390 Instruction IIIF, 490F)
The Music capstone will be a conducting program/project.
Students will demonstrate the technique necessary to perform on their primary instrument; the ability to perform a representative repertoire of the major musical periods; develop fluency in their instrument with the ability to convey appropriate nuance, dynamic range, tempi, language and stylistic conventions; attain a working knowledge of the repertoire; give a convincing performance; display ability to work in small ensembles as well as solo performing; develop the ability to study a composition according to both theoretical and historical elements for performance; structure efficient practice/rehearsal time; display skills necessary to present themselves in various performance settings.
Students will present a senior capstone recital and may also present a junior recital.
Students are encouraged to complete at least 13 credits of applied music in their primary performance medium (students will register for MUSC290 Instruction II second semester and continue with hour-long weekly lessons for the next six semesters).
Select one primary performance medium noted below and complete the defined coursework.
- MUSC321 Music History III: Romantic & Modern Eras 3 cr.
- MUSC374 Piano Pedagogy and Literature 3 cr.
- MUSC475 Recital 1 cr.
- MUSC490 Instruction IV 2 cr.
- MUSC375 Vocal Pedagogy and Literature 3 cr.
- MUSC435 Opera and Lyric Theatre 3 cr.
- MUSC475 Recital 1 cr.
- MUSC490 Instruction IV 2 cr.
- MUSC161 Introduction to Conducting 1 cr.
- MUSC362 Instrumental Conducting 3 cr.
- MUSC376 Instrumental Pedagogy 3 cr.
- MUSC475 Recital 1 cr.
- MUSC490 Instruction IV 2 cr.
The minor in music requires:
Four of the following:
- MUSC111 Music Theory I 3 cr.
- MUSC112 Music Theory II 3 cr.
- MUSC211 Music Theory III 3 cr.
- MUSC212 Music Theory IV 3 cr.
- MUSC221 Music History I: Middle Ages & Renaissance 3 cr.
- MUSC222 Music History II: Baroque & Classical Eras 3 cr.
Three of the following:
- MUSC303 Music Communication and Technology 3 cr.
- MUSC335 Music Theatre 3 cr.
- MUSC435 Opera and Lyric Theatre 3 cr.
- MUSC440 World Music 3 cr.
- MUSC480 Topics in Music 3 cr.
- MUSC489 International Study Tour 3 cr.
Additional requirements:
- Four credits of ensemble music 4 cr.
- Six credits of private lessons 6 cr.
To view the most recent course list and requirements for the elementary education major, please consult the Academic Catalog.
Contact for more information
Music Faculty
These faculty members teach many of the courses that comprise the Music Major. See also the Music Department.
Associate Professor - Music
YFAC 213
- Music Skills I
- Music Skills II
- Concert Choir
- Concert Band
- Chamber Orchestra
- Drumline
- Jazz Ensemble
- Instruction I-Organ
- Music Theory III
- Music Skills III
- Music Skills IV
- Music History I: Middle Ages & Renaissance
- Hymnody and Liturgics
- Instruction II-Instrument
- Instrumental Conducting
- Instrumental Pedagogy
- Instruction III-Organ
- Recital
- Topic: Film Scoring
- Instruction IV-Piano

Adjunct Faculty
Choraliers Director
Director - Handbells
Mary Martha Singers Director
YFAC 204
- Music Fundamentals
- Music Appreciation
- Choraliers
- Concert Choir
- Mary Martha Singers
- Handbells
- Instruction I-Voice
- Music History I: Middle Ages & Renaissance
- Music History II: Baroque & Classical Eras
- Instruction II-Voice
- Music History III: Romantic & ModrnEras
- Vocal Pedagogy and Literature
- Instruction III-Voice
- Opera and Lyric Theatre
- World Music
- Recital
- Topic: Film Scoring
- Instruction IV-Voice
- Music Internship
- Theatre Practicum I
Next Steps
Interested in studying at Bethany? Scheduling a campus visit is a great way to see what we have to offer. You can meet professors or sit in on a class too! Contact our admissions office to learn more.